who is Elizabeth?

Elizabeth is a writer in the Appalachian Mountains. She is married and the mother of three children. She is currently a student at Torah Resource Institute where she studies the Scriptures and Biblical languages.

She began her blog, a quiet chaos, in 2010 as a place to share her journey with Yeshua. In March 2022, she began a renovation of a quiet chaos to create a space for deeper study and discussion into important Biblical truths.

When she is not reading her Bible, studying languages, or writing, she can be found with her dog, digging in the garden or photographing nature and wildlife as they explore a back country road together. Sometimes she posts snapshots of her life on Instagram.

notes to Elizabeth

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what I believe

While there are many foundational beliefs to be listed here, there are a few I consider non-negotiable. I will discuss them here. The rest will be added as I write about them in the coming months.

The Scriptures alone are the only truth and are the final authority in all matters. They are the divinely inspired and inerrant Word of God, which stands forever, and are defined as being the 66- book canon containing the Tanach (Old Testament) and the Apostolic Writings (New Testament). Within them are contained the Torah, Adonai’s instructions that we are to live by; the Torah is applicable to the lives of all believers for the purposes of sanctification, for learning to be holy just as Adonai is holy.

I am saved by grace alone and no works are able to result in my salvation. Salvation comes by way of faith and repentance through Yeshua alone for the glory of God alone. Yeshua is YHWH in the flesh and the fullness of Deity dwells within Him. He is Immanuel, God with us. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He is the only way to the Father. He is coming again to reign as King.

Christ dazzles me and stirs within me such feelings of amazement that I can never get over Him.
~ A. W. Tozer